Words That Rhyme with "Trump"


He’s the 45th President of the United States:-( Trump.

Directions: Write your answers in your notebook. Afterwards, click on the answers link at the bottom of the page.

write by hand

1. jump in the lake

It’s fun to do this when you go to a lake: ___ ___ ___ ___.


2. camel

A camel has one or two of these: ___ ___ ___ ___.


3. pump

It’s the thing from which you buy gas for a car: ___ ___ ___ ___.


4. two cars

When one car hits another they ___ ___ ___ ___.


5. rump

The rear end of an animal is also called a ___ ___ ___ ___.


6. garbage

It’s the place where garbage goes: ____ ___ ___ ___.


7. stump

It’s what remains when a tree is cut down: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.


8. throat

A person who is sick might get this in his throat: ___ ___ ___ ___.


9. old man

A person who always complains is known as a ____ ___ ___ ___ ___.


10. mushrooms

Mushrooms grow together in a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.


Click here for the answers.